Symposium PALM: Proceedings published 5/5 (1)

Proceedings of the International Week 2018 and the ERASMUS+ Project PALM held in Baden from May 28th to June 1st,
published 2018-09-03

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PALM Symposium: busy, busy, busy 5/5 (2)

The PALM Symposium at the PH NÖ in Baden attracted more than 400 visitors face to face and via live streaming. Our registration team was busy, busy, busy ….

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Sprachsensibel Mathematik unterrichten: Plenarvortrag von Mag. Elisabeth Mürwald-Scheifinger beim PALM Symposium 5/5 (1)

Click to watch the recording

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PALM Symposium Baden No ratings yet.

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Watch the opening ceremony of the PALM Symposium in Baden 5/5 (1)

Presentation _Baden_2018.pptx

Sabine Wallner (PH NÖ), Leticia Yulita (University of East Anglia), Claudia Mewald (PH NÖ), Gottfried Forsthuber (City Council Baden), Margit Dirnberger (ÖAD), Erwin Rauscher (Rector PH NÖ), Elisabeth Windl (Vice Rector PH NÖ), Kurt Allabauer (PH NÖ)

250 interested guests made the presentation a “big” event!

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PALM Symposium in Pictures 3/5 (2)

Enjoy the amazing picture collage about the PALM Symposium

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