Coming soon: Project presentation at the PH Niederösterreich No ratings yet.

The ERASMUS+ Project PALM will be presented at the Univeristy College of Teacher Education in Baden on May 30th, 2018. See the interesting programme …



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Konferenz “Multilingualism and Language Learning in a Digital Era“ an der Universität Cypern 5/5 (1)

Veranstaltet wurde diese internationale Konferenz “Multilingualism and Language Learning in a Digital Era“ an der Universität Cypern im Rahmen des ERASMUS+ Projekts PALM. Die gut besuchte Veranstaltung fand mit einem regelrechten Österreichtag einen erfolgreichen Abschluss.

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PALM Partners at the opening of the international conference Mulitilingualism and Language Learning in the Digital Era No ratings yet.

Maria Heron, Renata Zanin, Kurt Allabauer, Sophia Czasny, Claudia Mewald, Eva Gröstenberger, Sabine Wallner, Mária Bajner and Elena Ioannidou at the opening of the conference “Mulitilingualism and Language Learning in the Digital Era” in the context of the ERASMUS+ Project PALM.

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Multilingualism and Language Learning in the Digital Era, Cyprus: Achieving Impact Through emotionally Charged Texts 5/5 (1)

Cyprus achieving impact

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PALM project is used in Cyprus primary school 5/5 (3)

I was lucky enough to pay a visit to a primary school in Cyprus where children are experiencing with the product of the PALM project put together by an international group of scholars, schools and children.


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Multilingualism and Language Learning via Gamification : The PALM example No ratings yet.

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Affectively Engaging Texts 5/5 (1)

In a workshop Maria Heron discussed the importance of using affectively engaging texts in order for language acquisition to take place.



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Workshop about Lexical Notebooks at the conference “Multilingualism and Language Learning in the Ditgital Era” No ratings yet.

Teachers from all over Europe developed Lexical Notebooks at the University of Cyprus on March 22nd, 2018, with Claudia Mewald and Sabine Wallner.

Lexical Notebooks Video Tutorial 1

Lexical Notebooks Video Tutorial 2



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Hosting the “Multilingual and Language Learning Conference in the Digital Era” 5/5 (1)

Day 1:

Visiting Pefkios Georgiades School!



Day 2-3








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Japanische Delegation an der Freien Universität Bozen 5/5 (2)

Am 20. Februar 2018 besuchte die japanische Delegation die Freie Universität Bozen und informierte sich über die Fortschritte des PALM-Projektes.

Die Delegation besuchte auch die Partnerschule des Projektes.

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