Nella mia aula No ratings yet.

[Nella mia aula]


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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Tante figure intorno a noi No ratings yet.

[Tante figure intorno a noi]


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“add document” as pdf

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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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I punti cardinali No ratings yet.

[I punti cardinali]


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“add document” as pdf

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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Poesia di Natale delle classi III No ratings yet.

[Poesia di Natale delle classi III]


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“Add Document” as PDF

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Eserzize 1
  1. Quali sono i colori del Natale descritti nella poesia?

Collega il colore con l’immagine
rosso (1)                                                              (1)

giallo (2)
verde (3)

bianco(4)                                (4)                   (2)

2. Completa le seguenti frasi. Presta attenzione ai nomi maschili e femminili!

Il cuore è__________________ .        rosso
Il sole è ___________________ .     giallo
L’albero è _________________ .        verde

La neve è __________________ .       bianca

3.Attività in classe:

Portiamo le nostre ricette preferite del pranzo di Natale.





Eserzize 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Eserzize da fé te scola

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Studiamo insieme No ratings yet.

[Studiamo insieme]


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“add document” as pdf

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Lo spazio in cui vivo No ratings yet.

[Lo spazio in cui vivo]


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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Sto per lasciare la scuola primaria No ratings yet.

[Sto per lasciare la scuola primaria]


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“add document” as pdf

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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Rette parallele No ratings yet.

[Rette parallele]


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“add document” as pdf

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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Natale d’argento No ratings yet.

[Natale d’argento]


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“add document” as pdf

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La materia No ratings yet.

[La materia]


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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Esercizi per la classe

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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