L’amicizia 8
[Amicizia 8]
[Amicizia 8]
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Text number: 6043
Age: 7
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Siamo amici
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[L’amicizia 11]
Learning App
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Text number: 6046
Age: 7
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Siamo amici di tutti perché vorremmo che il mondo fosse in pace.
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With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
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We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
[L’amicizia 12]
Learning App
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Text number: 6047
Age: 7
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Siamo amici.
Sono amico dei miei compagni, perché con loro gioco e imparo.
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Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
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With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
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[La contadina e il grappolo d’uva]
Learning App
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Text number: 6051
Name: Samuele Fischietti
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Un giorno arrivò una contadina e iniziò a vendemmiare. Il grappolo d’uva era spaventato e dispiaciuto di lasciare la sua casa
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[La contadina]
Learning App
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Text number: 6052
Name: Xu Jiayi
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Cosa sta facendo questa bella contadina?
Perché ci pigia? – chiedeva ai suoi amici- Perché ci mette in questo tino?
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This text number is 6052!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
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With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s). We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
Please write them down.
[Trasformazione in buon vino]
Learning App
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Text number: 6054
Name: Flavio Shefa
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Dopo alcuni giorni, capì di essere diventato di un bel colore rosso e di essere stato, imbottigliato insieme ai suoi amici
Immaginate la sua gioia nel scoprire di essere diventato un buon vino e di essere gustato ad ogni pasto
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This text number is 6054!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
[L’uva in calendario]
Learning App
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Text number: 6055
Name: Joana Qordja
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
L’uva in calendario
La stagione del vino può essere suddivisa in tre stagioni:
la cura, la vendemmia, il riposo
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This text number is 6055!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
Learning App
Click on info to hear the word.
Please set the language in quizlet and learning app to English.
Text number: 6058
Name: Draw Ibrahima
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Il riposo
Il terzo periodo, che comprende i mesi di genaio, è quell del riposo, in cui il vigneto va lasciato riposare.
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This text number is 6058!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
[La cura]
Learning App
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Please set the language in quizlet and learning app to English.
Text number: 6056
Name: Ajach Hiba
Age: 8
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
La cura
In questo periodo, che va da febbraio a luglio, si prepara, si ordina e si pulisce il vigneto
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This text number is 6056!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
[Quella volta che mi sono sentita bene]
Learning App
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Please set the language in quizlet and learning app to English.
Text number: 6062
Name: Marilù Sicignano
Age: 11
Country: Italy
School: 6 - Secondary School
Quella volta quando mi sono sentita bene!
Sono stata veramente bene quella volta quando insieme ai miei genitori e a mio cugino Domenico sono andata sul Vesuvio.
Non è stato facile arrivare perché ci siamo persi un sacco di volte, ma alla fine siamo giunti alla nostra meta.
La strada che costeggiava il Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio era molto particolare: il terreno era argilloso e nero come la pece, che contrastava con i bellissimi colori e profumi della natura.
Quando siamo arrivati, abbiamo preso un pulmino che ci ha portati fino ai piedi del Vesuvio. Poi abbiamo dovuto proseguire a piedi.
All’inizio della salita c’erano dei ragazzi che in cambio di un’offerta, davano in prestito dei bastoni per facilitare il nostro percorso, al cratere del Vesuvio.
Era una giornata molto bella e faceva un caldo soffocante, mentre salivamo mi sono accorta che c’erano molti turisti stranieri ed era un’impresa capirli.
Durante il traggitto abbiamo riso tantissimo perché mio cugino che è un po’ cicciottello, non riusciva a salire, e i miei genitori l’hanno dovuto tirare per tutto il percorso.
La strada per arrivare al cratere era ripida, polverosa e piena di lapilli, che sono piccoli frammenti di lava vulcanica solidificata.
Dopo quasi mezz’ora di cammino siamo giunti al cratere del Vesuvio.
Da lassù c’era un panorama bellissimo!!!
Please help us improve our PALM platform and fill in this short survey:
This text number is 6062!
Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.
We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
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