

Θέλετε να γνωρίσετε τα καναρίνια μου; No ratings yet.

Θέλετε να γνωρίσετε τα καναρίνια μου; No ratings yet.


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Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Το αγαπημένο μου αυτοκίνητο No ratings yet.

Το αγαπημένο μου αυτοκίνητο No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Χρώματα παντού No ratings yet.

Χρώματα παντού No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Χρώματα παντού No ratings yet.


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Χειμώνας είναι No ratings yet.

Χειμώνας είναι No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Βόλτα στη βροχή No ratings yet.

Βόλτα στη βροχή No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Συμβουλές πως να κάνεις πατίνια No ratings yet.

Συμβουλές πως να κάνεις πατίνια No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Θέλετε να τραγουδήσουμε; No ratings yet.

Θέλετε να τραγουδήσουμε; No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Χοροπηδάω No ratings yet.

Χοροπηδάω No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Και πίνω και τρώω No ratings yet.

Και πίνω και τρώω No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this

Ναι, διαβάζω No ratings yet.

Ναι, διαβάζω No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.

Δραστηριότητα 1








Δραστηριότητα 2

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Δραστηριότητα στην τάξη

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Please rate this