In den Winterferien ….. No ratings yet.

In den Winterferien ….. No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.


Quiz für

In den Winterferien ….. No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Besuchst du gerne deine Freunde?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Erzähle über ein Ferienerlebnis.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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An einem schönen Tag ….. No ratings yet.

An einem schönen Tag ….. No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.


Quiz für

An einem schönen Tag ….. No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Rodelst du gerne?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Erzähle über Sportarten, die du gerne ausübst.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Um 8 Uhr… No ratings yet.

Um 8 Uhr… No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Um 8 Uhr… No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

1 Feierst du gerne Silvester?

Warum? Warum nicht?

Wie feierst du Silvester?


Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Mein Lieblingssport No ratings yet.

Mein Lieblingssport No ratings yet.


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Quiz für

Mein Lieblingssport No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Magst du Fußball?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Was ist dein Lieblingssport?

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse

With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Mein Lieblingstier/Wolf No ratings yet.

Mein Lieblingstier/Wolf No ratings yet.


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Quiz für

Mein Lieblingstier/Wolf No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Ist der Wolf auch dein Lieblingstier?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Wenn ich ein Wolf wäre, …

Schreib auf.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Mein Lieblingsort No ratings yet.

Mein Lieblingsort No ratings yet.


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No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Mein Lieblingsort No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Magst du dein Zimmer?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Beschreibe dein Wunschzimmer.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Inhalt No ratings yet.

Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Inhalt No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Inhalt No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Magst du Geschichten, in denen Hexen vorkommen?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Erzähle mehr darüber, wie du deinen besten Freund oder deine beste Freundin kennengelernt hast.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Lieblingsstelle No ratings yet.

Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Lieblingsstelle No ratings yet.


No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Sophie und die Hexe von nebenan: Lieblingsstelle No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Magst du Geschichten über Hexen oder über Zauberei!

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Wie fühlst du dich, wenn du etwas nicht schaffst? Was tust du dagegen?

Schreib auf.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Der Putzroboter No ratings yet.

Der Putzroboter No ratings yet.


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No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Der Putzroboter No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Hättest du auch gerne einen Putzroboter für dein Zimmer?

Warum? Warum nicht? Schreib auf.

Was sollte dein Putzroboter können?

Beschreibe deine Traum-Putzroboter.

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Der magische Ring No ratings yet.

Der magische Ring No ratings yet.


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No ratings yet.


Quiz für

Der magische Ring No ratings yet.

Mach mit!

Hättest du das blinde Mädchen gerne als Freundin?

Warum? Warum nicht?

Glaubst du, dass ein magischer Ring einem blinden Kind seine Sehkraft zurückgeben kann?

Warum? Warum nicht?

Can you find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in your language?
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

Aufgaben für die Klasse


With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s).
Please write them down.

We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases

The European Commission support for this platform does not constitute an endorsement of its contents or web resources linked to it. Learning materials reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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