Tieres sul luech da paur
Eserzize 1
Dumanda 1: Ciun ie pa l titul dl video?
Tieres che viv te stala.
Tieres sul luech da paur. ✓
Chisc ie nosc tieres.
Kompetenz: 2
Feedback: 5
Eserzize 2
Fovessa bele n iede sun n luech da paur? Cie te lecordessa mo?
Kompetenz: 6
Feedback: 16
Text number: 7033
Age: 11
Country: Italy
School: 1- Primary School
Tieres sul luech da paur
Chëstes ie la gialines, l n ie dodesc y maia gën farina de sorch y…dut… cun graniei mefun y chisc tlo, chisc ie i ueves y… sci.
Chëstes ie la vaces, l n ie cinch y maia gën fën, ierba y leché y datrai ënghe sel.
Chisc ie i doi pitli lievri y sauta gën amanonder y maia gën zicoria, fën y carotes.
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With your pupils, find any words or phrases in the text that are similar in their language(s). We are interested in the words you can find. Please write them here: Words and phrases
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